is desktop CBEP RNS Sydney - Online enrolment


Childbirth and Early Parenting Education (CBEP) is a prenatal and postnatal education unit within Health Promotion, as part of Northern Sydney Local Health District, (NSLHD).

We conduct preparation for birth, parenting and exercise programs, as well as facility tours for expectant parents - primarily, but not exclusively for those attending Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH) for birth of their baby.

FREE Course. Bringing Baby Home run by Relationships Australia. Bringing Baby Home is an informative, fun face to face interactive 2-day weekend workshop for expecting and new parents transitioning to parenthood.
For more information and the next course dates clickhere

We continue to offer our ONLINE interactive programs run by our Education Leaders. Please refer to the Courses tab for ONLINE classes.

  In person plus online
  classes available
  To select click on Courses
  tab, Call 9462 9588 if
  preferred class

CASWEB developed and supported by Omnia Corp International